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May 2020

Federal Association of Wind Farm Operators Offshore eV (BWO) gives its opinion on the draft bill to amend the WindSeeG.

Draft of the WindSeeG makes it difficult to achieve the expansion goals

“That the 20 GW of offshore wind energy will finally be enshrined in law and, for the first time, an expansion target
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BWO managing director, Stefan Thimm, on the BMU recommendation for a green economic program

“We are pleased that more and more politicians are relying on a green economic stimulus program in the Corona crisis,” commented
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BWO managing director, Stefan Thimm, comments on the agreement between Merkel and Macron on the European plan for economic recovery

“We very much welcome the fact that France and Germany are committed to climate protection in their “Joint Declaration on European Green
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Efficient offshore wind expansion requires contracts for differences and long-term goals

In their joint letter, which was sent to the Federal Ministry of Economics, among others, the industry representatives emphasize their willingness
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Stefan Thimm, Managing Director of the BWO eV, comments on the position paper of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group on the "Green Deal"

Climate change will not be stopped by the corona pandemic and it is now our responsibility
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Agreement between transmission system operators, BSH, BNetzA, coastal states and the federal government on 20 GW of offshore wind energy by 2030

The transmission system operators, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), the federal government and the
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"20 years EEG, 10 years offshore wind energy — what next?"

How do the framework conditions for offshore wind farms have to be adapted so that the expansion goals can be implemented cost-effectively? This
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